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"Exciement" by Isabella Pizzano

Join a Visual Journey with Famous Artist Isabella Pizzano

New Jersey artist Isabella Pizzano was born in Rome, Italy, where she earned a B.A. in Fine Arts. Moving to the United States, she exhibited her work in various national and international shows, such as the prestigious “Artistic Ceramics” competition in Faenza, Italy.

With her exemplary range of styles, Isabella made a name for herself in the Contemporary Art scene. She is a recipient of several ‘Best in Shows’ recognitions and awards, as well as Signature status for the International Society of the Experimental Artists and New Jersey Watercolor Society. Her abstract expressionism does not restrict her from using different techniques, especially with water color media, inks and collages, often employing the use of rare and archival papers. Isabella Pizzano approaches her art as a reflection of life and strives to create and experience revealing “imperfections and vulnerability” through her work.

Isabella is partnering with the Women Association for Morristown Medical Center (WAMMC) to bring the Visual Journey to the public starting May 27 and continuing through July 6, at the Madison Gallery of the Morristown Medical Center, 100 Madison Avenue in Morristown, New Jersey. She will soon be exhibiting 35 of her works of art. Sales are directed to the WAMMC.

For further information about Isabella Pizzano’s work including dates and times of her shows, please visit her website at www.isamari.com or email: [email protected]